Kanji Roller WP #159-B is a 'holy grail' float.
Up until about 2010 there's was only 1 known example in collections. The first one of these kanji rollers with the WP #159-B mark was a light blue color. I've heard rumors that this float sold in a private deal many years ago for $8,500. I'm not sure where it is now.
More recently a second WP #159-B appeared in photos. This No. 2 float was a distinctive light green tinted color. Just by color there was no doubt that it was a different float than the first one.
In April of 2023, I was shown a photo of this WP #159-B float and about drop dead. At first, I knew it was one of the rare kanji rollers; definite not a 'Miyako' kanji roller. In a knee jerk reaction, I immediately purchased it. Only after the deal was finalized did I realize that it was the rarest of the rare kanji rollers. It was a WP #159-B.
So how many WP #159-B's are there? In my mind, there are probably three of them. But the photos of the light green No. 2 aren't clear enough to show seed bubble to definitely prove there are three of them. In-other-words, my third float could conceivably be the light green No. 2 mystery float.
So, what does the kanji on the roller say? Since the Japanese language is not my strong suit, I'll leave that determination to others. I do know that there certainly is controversy in the translation, even between experts.
This kanji roller measure about 6 3/4 inches.
It was purchased out of a large collection with many valuable floats out of Augusta, Georgia in 2023.